Our Mission

Our Mission can be expressed with 3 following points:

Ecology and reasonable recycling

Ecology and reasonable recycling

We try to leave as small footprint to the environment as possible.



We deliver, what we promise while following all EU laws and regulations. We do not work with cash.

Multilevel cooperation

Multilevel cooperation

We help our customers to resell what is left from their sorting. We develop contacts between sorting factories, shop owners and recyclers.

About us

Arosea AB has over 20 years of experience with original second hand clothes. We work in many countries and understand the different needs of clients. Our main goal is to establish transparent business relations between customers and Arosea AB.

Arosea AB does not own any warehouses or shops, because we want our customers to receive the goods totally untouched. The goods are delivered direclty from the collectors loading place to the destination. We work only with legal suppliers, which means we deliver what we promise.

Mainly we sell Norwegian, Swedish and Danish original, unsorted clothes. The reason, why we have concentrated on these countries, is the high average quality and compatibility with our markets.
Arosea AB is concentrated mainly in markets like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Romania.

Working with us, You can be sure, You get the goods from the legal sources. We do not work with illegal collectors. We provide all neccessary documentation, including Certificate of Desinfection, Certificate of Origin and EU customs clearance for the customers within EU.



Normally our customers buy one trailer load at a time, which means approximately 14-15 tons.

All delivery conditions are EXW.
Every full truck is sealed to ensure that the goods arrive to the customer in the same condition it was loaded.

Arosea AB can also help You with transport services. We have good connections with trusted transport agencies, who can deliver Your load at a reasonable price. Of course, You are welcome to find Your own transport service.

For EU members, the customs clearance is made at KGH customs by Arosea AB.